We manufacture of Thermoplastic paint under very stringent quality control measures using high quality imported raw materials. In fact, we have got a dedicated full-fledged laboratory with state-of-the-art machinery. At our lab, our quality control personnel test the quality of both the raw materials and the finished products.
The company follows the quality control procedure firmly and ensures the highest quality to the customers. With a commitment to deliver the best to our clients, we guarantee that all the raw materials fed into the mixing unit are without any impurities and visible contamination. Just in case, if our experts find any contaminants, then it is removed entirely before serving into the mixing plant. Once the final product is produced from the mixing plant, approximately a half-a-kg of material in each batch of manufacturing is taken for testing the final quality of the power generated.
After the completion of the entire process of manufacturing Thermoplastic paint, the final product is once again cross-examined to ensure that the Thermoplastic Road Marking Powder is conforming to the specification MoRTH 803.4.
- Aeromark Industries manufacturing All Weather Thermoplastic is a long-lasting, cost-effective, matched-component system designed for longitudinal markings
- Consists of a durable thermoplastic as well as all reflective elements microcrystalline ceramic beads for maximum dry and wet reflectivity
- Superior reflective performance and retained visibility
- Easy application with conventional.
- BS 3262 : Part 1:1989
- BS EN 1871 : 2000
- AASHTO M – 249-79 (1990) (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials)
- MORTH (Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, India) Clause 803.4.2